Jayadratha story - father's head was torn with Jayadratha's death

Jayadratha story - father's head was torn with Jayadratha's death

There are many such characters in the Mahabharata, written by Maharishi Ved Vyas, about which people know little. Today we are telling you about one such character Jayadratha. Jayadratha died at the hands of Arjuna. Arjuna had beheaded Jayadratha in such a way that he went and fell into the lap of Vrikshakshatra (father of Jayadratha) who was doing penance. As soon as Vriddhakshatra dropped Jayadratha's head on the earth, his head also exploded.

Who was Jayadratha?

Jayadratha was the king of the Indus country. He was married to Dushala, the sister of the Kauravas. According to the Mahabharata, when the Pandavas were 12 years in exile, one day King Jayadratha passed into the same forest where the Pandavas were staying. At that time Jayadratha saw Draupadi alone in the ashram and killed her. When the Pandavas came to know about this, they pursued and captured Jayadratha.

Bhima wanted to slay Jayadratha, but Arjuna stopped him, being the husband of the Kauravas' sister, Dushala. In anger, Bhima shaved Jayadratha's hair and placed five peaks. Seeing Jayadratha's condition, Yudhishthira felt pity for him and freed Jayadratha.

Jayadratha took boon from Mahadev

Jayadratha did not go to his kingdom after being defeated by the Pandavas. To avenge his humiliation, he went to Haridwar to do austerities to please Lord Shankar. Pleased with penance, Lord Shiva appeared to him and asked for a boon. Jayadratha asked Lord Shiva a boon to win the Pandavas in battle.

Then Lord Shiva told Jayadratha that - It is not in anyone's power to win or kill the Pandavas. But only one day in the battle you can leave the four Pandavas behind in the battle except for Arjuna. Because Arjuna himself is an incarnation of the god male, you will not be subjected to him. Saying this, Lord Shankar fell into disruption and Jayadratha returned to his kingdom.

Abhimanyu died due to Jayadratha

In the Mahabharata war, when Guru Dronacharya made Chakravyuh to take Yudhishthira captive, Jayadratha was appointed at its main gate. As planned, the warrior warriors took Arjuna away for battle. When Yudhishthira saw that his soldiers were being killed due to Chakravyuh, he asked Abhimanyu to break this array. Abhimanyu said - I know how to enter this array, but I do not know the solution to get out of it.

Then Yudhishthira and Bhima assured Abhimanyu that from the place where you dissolve the array, we too will enter the array from the same place and destroy the array. Having obeyed Yudhishthira and Bhima, Abhimanyu entered into the Chakravyuh and entered it, but with the blessing of Mahadev, the warriors like Yudhishthira, Bhima, Nakula, and Sahadev were stopped by Jayadratha. Abhimanyu died after getting trapped in the Chakravyuh.

Shri Krishna created darkness 

When Arjuna came to know that the cause of Abhimanyu's death is Jayadratha, he vowed that tomorrow I will surely kill Jayadratha or take Agni Samadhi myself. To protect Jayadratha, Guru Dronacharya composed the Chakra Shaktavuh the next day. Even after fighting till evening Arjuna could not reach Jayadratha because he was being guarded by Karna, Ashwatthama, Bhurishrava, Surgical etc.

When Lord Krishna saw that the sun was about to set, he created darkness to cover the sun with his illusion. Everyone thought that the sun had set. Seeing this, Jayadratha and his guards became heedless. Jayadratha himself comes in front of Arjuna and asks him to take Agni Samadhi. Then Shri Krishna asked Arjuna to immediately kill Jayadratha.

Sri Krishna tells Arjuna a secret that Jayadratha's father Vriddhakshatra has given him a boon that whichever hero falls his head on the earth, his head will also be cut into a hundred pieces. Therefore, you shoot the arrow in such a way that Jayadratha's forehead is cut and falls in his father's lap. He is doing penance in Samantakpanchak area at this time.

Arjuna cut the forehead of Jayadratha with a powerful arrow, this head went straight into the lap of Vriddhakshatra. As soon as he dropped Jayadratha's forehead on the earth, his forehead became a hundred pieces. Thus, when Arjuna killed Jayadratha, Lord Krishna removed the darkness created by his illusion.

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