Akshay Kumar, who wants to make a biopic on Hima Das, said- not a reel, a film made on the life of real heroes

Akshay Kumar, who wants to make a biopic on Hima Das

Bollywood's 'Khiladi' Akshay Kumar is busy promoting his forthcoming movie 'Gold'. The story of the movie 'Gold' is based on Tapan Das, who got the country's first gold medal in hockey after independence. Akshay, who is engaged in promotions in 'Gold', expressed the desire to make a biopic on the 18-year-old Hima Das, a female runner and a resident of Assam. Hima recently made a gold medal win in women's 400m competition in the IAAF Under-20 Championship. He became the first woman runner to win gold medal in the IAAF Tournament.

On the growing trend of biopic in Hindi films, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar said that he would never want to be a biopic on his life. Such films should be made on heroes of real life, not real life, but on reel heroes.

Recently, Sanjay Dutt's life-based Rajkumar Hirani's film, Sanju, did a wonderful job at the box office. But people criticized Sanjay's clean and refined image in it. Akshay said in an interview, "I would never want to be made the biopic on me and I will never write any book on my life."

He said that we have many great stories like Tapan Das (character of Gold film) and Arunachalam Muruganatham (Padman's character), with the help of which India can be taken in a positive direction. He said, "I will be stupid, who will make a biopic on myself. I would never want to think about it ... I want Biopic to be made on real-life heroes, not on the hero of Reel Life. "

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