You should be kept in mind while eating:-
1. The mouth should be eaten toward east and north direction. With this remedy, our body gets more energy from food. It is considered inauspicious to eat food by facing south direction. Due to the direction towards the west side, the disease increases due to food. That is why eating food should not be eaten on south and west direction.
2. Never sit at the bed and eat food. The food plate should not be taken by hand in the food.
3. The food should be done not only by standing but also by sitting.
4. The food should be eaten by placing the plate on a wooden crate.
5. Food utensils must be clean. Dinner should not be eaten in a broken pot.
6. The person should cook only after bathing and being completely holy.
7. When making food, keep the mind calm. Also, do not do any harm to anyone during this time.
8. If you make a meal with pure mind then the food will become tasty and there will be no food shortage.
9. God should be meditated before starting the meal. Chanting of any deity-god mantra can also be done.
10. Before feeding, the god of food, Annapurna Mata should remember.
11. Eat food while giving thanks to the Goddesses for food. Also, pray to God that all the hungry people get food.