Why did Lord Krishna attack Bhishma in Mahabharata war
We all know that in the Mahabharata war, Shri Krishna became the charioteer of Arjuna. But there was also a time in the war when Shri Krishna, with his Sudarshan Chakra, jumped into a battleground to destroy all the Kauravas including Bhishma. Let us know why Krishna, who was going to play only the role of Arjuna's charioteer in the war, why did he have to jump into the battlefield and what was the result?
This incident is on the third day of the Mahabharata war. When the night passed and dawn, Bhishma ordered his army to march to Ranabhumi. After going there, he created the garuda-armament of the army and he himself stood in place of the beak in the forefront of that array. The place of both eyes was Dronacharya and Kritavarma. Ashtathama and Kripacharya stood in the head. These were accompanied by Tragartha, Kartikeya, and Vatadhan.
Bhurishrava, Shal, Shalya, Bhagadat and Jayadratha along with Madraka, Sindhuveer and Panchandesiya heroes - these were erected in place of the gorge. Duryodhana stood on the backyard. Along with Kamboj, Shaka and the Shurceden warriors, Vind and Unwind were situated in the tail of that array. When Arjuna saw that array of Kaurava army, he took Dhritashyumna with him and made a crescent array of his army.
On his south summit, Bhimsen was the king of many different countries with many weapons and weapons adorned with him. Maharathi Virat and Drupada stood behind Bhimsen. He was followed by Dhrishketu. Dharmrajath Yudhishthira was also there along with Cristi, Kashi and Karush and army with Prabandhakri warriors along with Dhrishketu. He was followed by five sons of Satyaki and Draupadi. Then there was Abhimanyu and Iravan. After this, the war started. The chariot and the elephant clashed with the chariot. The Kauravas concentrated and fought in such a way that the feet of the Pandava army were uprooted. There was a stampede in the Pandava army.
Seeing the condition of the Pandava army, Shri Krishna said to Arjuna that if you fight slowly in such a way, you will lose your life. Hearing this, Arjun said, Keshav, take your chariot to my father's chariot. Krishna took the chariot and took it to Bhishma. Arjuna cut Bhishma's bow with his arrows. Bhishmji then started fighting with a new bow. Bhishma injured Arjun and Shri Krishna with a rain of arrows. When Lord Krishna saw that all the principal kings of the Pandava army had run away and Arjuna was also studying cold in the war, then Shri Krishna said that now I will lift my cycle and take the life of Bhishma and Drona and kill all the sons of Dhritarashtra Pandava. Will please I will make Yudhishthira the Ajatashatru king today by killing all the kings of Kauravapaksha.
Saying so, Krishna gave up the reins of horses and jumped from the chariot with Sudarshan Chakra in his hand. Lord Krishna snapped towards Bhishma with great speed, the earth began to tremble with his feet. They moved towards Bhishma. They roared very loudly with their hands raised. Seeing them full of anger, all the creatures started thinking about the destruction of the Kauravas. Bhishma did not panic at all, seeing him coming towards him with a cycle. He said to Krishna, come, let me greet you.
Seeing Krishna moving forward, Arjun also got off the chariot and ran after him and after going near he grabbed both his arms. God was filled with anger, he could not stop even when Arjun was caught. Arjuna stopped him like that and said Keshav, calm your anger, you are the support of the Pandavas. Now I take an oath of brothers and sons, saying that I will not relent in my work, I will fight only as promised. Then Shri Krishna was pleased to hear this vow of Arjuna and returned to the chariot.