Due to a curse, Dhritarashtra was born blind, know some Interesting Facts of Dhritrastra

  Dhritrashtra was blind in the Mahabharata, but he found this blindness due to a curse found in a previous birth. Dhritarashtra had killed the Gandhari's family. But why did he get the curse of blindness and why he had killed his wife Gandhari's family? Let us know some such special things related to Dhritarashtra-

Dhritarashtra wanted to kill Bhim

Bhim had killed Duryodhana and Duryodhana, the beloved son of Dhritarashtra, with great fierceness, because Dhritarashtra wanted to kill Bhim too. When the war ended, then Yudhishtir, Bhima, Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev Maharaj came to meet Dhritarashtra with Shrikrishna. Yudhishthur bowed down to Dhritarashtra and all Pandavas gave their names for their names. Shrikrishna Maharaj had already understood the point of his mind that he wants to destroy Bhima. When Dhritarashtra expressed his desire to embrace Bhima, Shri Krishna immediately proceeded to elevate Bhima's iron statue in place of Bhima. Dhritarashtra was very powerful, he came in anger and captured the statue of Bhima with iron hands and broke the idol.

Due to the breaking of the statue, blood came out of their mouth and they fell to the ground. Soon after his anger became calm, he felt that Bhima was dead, then he started crying. Then Shrikrishna said to Maharaj that Bhima is alive, whom you have broken, he was a Bhim-shaped idol. Thus Shri Krishna saved the life of Bhima.

Dhritarashtra was born blind

The two sons of Maharaj Shantanu and Satyavati had a strange story and Chitrangad. Chitrangad was killed in the war in the same age. After this, Bhishma married the strange woman of Kashi's princess Ambika and Ambalika. Shortly after marriage, strange thought also led to illness. If Ambika and Ambalika were childless, then there was a crisis in front of Satyavati that the Kurwa dynasty would grow further.

In order to pursue the lineage, Satyavati asked for solutions from Maharishi Vedavas. Then from Vedavas, the sons of Ambika and Ambalika were born with their divine powers. Ambika had changed eyes due to Maharishi's fear, then it became Dhritarashtra in the form of a blind child. The second Princess Ambalika was also afraid of Maharishi and her body was pale and her children became pandu. Pandu was weak from birth. Maharishi Vedavas had power over a slave girl after both princesses. Mahatma Vidur was born as a child from that maid.

Due to a curse, Dhritarashtra was born blind:

Dhritarashtra was a very evil king in my previous birth. One day he saw that a swan is walking comfortably with his children. He ordered that the eye of the swan be damaged and his children are killed. For this reason, the next birth I was born blind and his son received death in the same way as if that swan.

Because of blindness, Dhundarashtra became a Pandu before Raja

Bhishma was above the burden of feeding Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidur. When the three sons grew up, they were sent to earn their education. Dhritarashtra got the best in the field of force, Pandu became proficient in archery and Vidura in religion and policy. The three sons were young, but Pandu was made the king, not the eldest son Dhritarashtra, because Dhritarashtra was blind and Vipur was a slave girl. After the death of Pandu, Dhritarashtra was made king. Dhritarashtra did not want that Yudhishthira would become king after him, but he wanted his son Duryodhana to become king. That is why he constantly kept ignoring the Pandava sons.

Marriage of Gandhara princess

Bhishma married Dhritarashtra, the princess Gandhari of Gandhar. Before marriage, Gandhari did not know that Dhritarashtra is blind. When Gandhari came to know about this matter, he too tied a blind eye on his eyes. Now both husband and wife had become like blind people. Dhritarashtra and Gandhari had a hundred sons and a daughter. Duryodhana was the eldest and most beloved son. Dhritarashtra was highly fascinated by Duryodhana. They were silent on the misdeeds of Duryodhana due to this fascination. We were always ready to fulfill Duryodhan's wrong desires. This temptation caused the destruction of the entire dynasty.

Dhritarashtra had killed the family of Gandhari

Dhrathreshta's marriage was with Gandhi Gandhari of the country. According to a monk, due to the fault of the horoscope of Gandhari, she was married with a goat first. After that, I was sacrificed that goat This thing was hidden at Gandhari's wedding. When Dhrathshtra came to know about this, he put the Gandhara King Shobla and his 100 sons imprisoned and tortured him a lot.

One by one, all the sons of Subala started dying. They used to give only a handful of rice for food. Subala prepared his youngest son Shakuni for retribution. Everyone used to give their share of rice to Shakuni so that he could survive and destroy the Kurus. Before the death, Subala requested the release of Shakuni from Dhrathastra which Dhrathartha accepted. Subala asked Shakuni to make his backbone dice, the same thing became the reason for the destruction of the Kuruv dynasty.

Shakuni won the trust of everyone in Hastinapur and became the antagonist of 100 Kauravas. He not only dared Duryodhana against Yudhisthira but also made the basis of Mahabharata's war.

After the war, Dhritarashtra and Gandhari were engaged in a single palace with Pandavas. Bhima often used to do such things with Dhritarashtra which he did not like. Dhritarashtra became very unhappy with Bhima's behavior. They gradually started eating food once in two days or four days. Thus came fifteen years. Then one day Dhritarashtra's mind awakened, and he went into the forest with Gandhari.

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