The story of Sati Anasuya


The story of Sati Anasuya

Sati Asusuya was the wife of Maharishi Atri. Who was well-known for his patriarchy religion. One day Dev Rishi Naradji reached Vishnu Lok, Shivalok and Brahmalkal in the absence of Vishnuji, Shiva and Brahmaji alternately. He went there to praise Laxmiji, Parvatiji and Savitriji, in the form of asceticism of Pashtvrata of Anusuya, and where there is no Divine power in the whole creation. After hearing Naaradji's words, all the three ladies started thinking, What is the matter of Anushuya's pativarta religion, which is being discussed until heaven? The three Goddesses became jealous of Anusuya.

Savarkar, Lakshmi, and Parvati got together in one place after Narada ji walked away and started thinking about dismantling the Pashtvat religion of Asusuya. They resolved that we would send our husbands there and disperse the paternal religion of Asusuya. When Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva reached their places, the three women insisted on disliking the conversion of the Holy Prophet's disciple. The three Gods explained that this sin should not happen to us. But the three women listened to one of them and in the end, the three Gods had to agree to it.

 All the three Devas embraced Sage Vesus and reached Atri Rishi's ashram. At that time, Anusuya was alone on the Ashram. After looking at the three unidentified at the gate, Anasuya urged to take food. All the three sadhus said that we would certainly take our food. But on one condition that you will be disposed and ready to eat. Asusuya prayed to God with the fear of the curse of the sadhus and the fear of being deprived of the guest service, that God! Make these three children of six-six-year-old children. Therefore, my piety is not even a part of the religion and the saints receive food also and they do not even want to serve the guests. By the grace of God, the three gods became children of six-six months, and the disciple Ayesha made all three of them naked and fed them and laid them in a palanquin.

The gods became disturbed when the three Gods did not return to their place. Then Narada came and told the whole story that Anusuya has made the three gods a child from their virtue. Upon hearing this, all the three Goddesses reached the ashram of Atri Rishi and apologized to Mother Anusuya and where has this been a mistake by mistake to us. Even after refusing their lakhs, we sent these disgusting acts to them. Please do that again at that stage. You will be grateful to us. Upon hearing this, the wife of the late Rishi, his wife, Asusuya, brought the three children back to their original form. From the Atri Rishi and Asusuya, the three Gods asked to ask for a blessing. Then the disciple said that all three of us should come to our house to become sons. We are childless. The three Gods said the ostriches and left their people with their wives. In the form of Dattatraya in time, Lord Vishnu was born as Brahma in the form of the moon and Lord Shiva as Durvasa was born from the womb of Asusuya.

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